All about Virtual Reality and 360°

Category: 2023

Are Telcos Missing an Obvious Metaverse Opportunity?​
February 6, 2023. sdxcentral. By Julia King.​
Das World Economic Forum sieht im Metaverse eine Schlüsseltechnologie​
31. Januar 2023. New Realities: Der XR-Podcast.​
Demystifying the Consumer Metaverse​
January 18, 2023.​
Interoperability in the Metaverse​
January 18, 2023.​
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About VRdirect

The VRdirect platform is the easiest solution to create and publish Virtual Reality projects. There are no expert skills needed. Moreover, Virtual Reality projects created with VRdirect can be published instantly via any VR enabled device, smartphone or web-browser and you can update them easily and in real-time.

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