All about Virtual Reality and 360°

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How to publish your Virtual Reality project directly to your website
Developing our features and providing good quality is our biggest...
Life-Long Learning – VRdirect at LEARNTEC 2019
Do you want to keep abreast of the latest learning...
Bringing the VR Experience to International Green Week Berlin
Januaries in Berlin are predictably cold and grey, but since...
Stereoscopic vs. Monoscopic 360° content for VR projects
When you’re looking to create a Virtual Reality experience from...
How to integrate your interactive 360° / VR experience on your website
Even though headsets like the Oculus Go get a lot...
Tegernsee Christmas Markets – attracting visitors with a VR experience
The many Christmas markets held around Germany in the weeks...
Virtual Reality for conferences and events – Arena Summit 2018
The ARENA SUMMIT took place on 20th & 21st November...
Sales presentation and brand building with Virtual Reality
We would like to share a remarkable VR-Sales case, initiated...
Why interactivity is crucial for Virtual Reality and 360° experiences
As VR content makes its way into more and more...
“And the Winner Is …” Results of the 2nd VRdirect TechCrunch Hackathon
The second VRdirect TechCrunch Hackathon of 2018 took place prior...
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About VRdirect

The VRdirect platform is the easiest solution to create and publish Virtual Reality projects. There are no expert skills needed. Moreover, Virtual Reality projects created with VRdirect can be published instantly via any VR enabled device, smartphone or web-browser and you can update them easily and in real-time.

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