Telekom & VRdirect Give Access to 3 Exhibitions in a Single VR Museum

September 18, 2019
Telekom & VRdirect Give Access to 3 Exhibitions in a Single VR Museum

In a new art initiative sponsored by Deutsche Telekom and supported by VRdirect, visitors of the museums which exhibit the project ‘Jetzt! Junge Malerei in Deutschland’ will be offered Oculus Go headsets that will teleport them to other participating museums. This way, you can virtually visit 3 different museums while physically staying at one.

The State of Contemporary Painting in Germany

Three German museums in four cities are co-operating to present the current state of the medium of painting in all its forms. Their project ‘Jetzt! Junge Malerei in Deutschland’ ( ‘Now! Painting in Germany Today’) aims to serve up a cross-section of the exciting artistic creations by young painters working in Germany right now. The Kunstmuseum Bonn, the Museum Wiesbaden and the Kunstsammlungen Chemnitz – Museum Gunzenhauser will be exhibiting 500 works by 53 artists at each of their locations. The exhibits will inevitably please and frustrate in equal measures, and visitors will get a singular insight into how diversely the art of painting is being experimented with. You can find details of dates, opening hours, and the artists and their works here:

Teaser Video (only available in German)

Embrace Virtual Reality to experience art without the need of travelling

However, you don’t need to visit all cities to experience the full exhibition. The museums in Bonn, Wiesbaden and Chemnitz will be offering a unique opportunity to virtually travel to each other’s contemporary collections. In an initiative sponsored by Deutsche Telekom and supported by the Kunstfreunde Museum Bonn, visitors will be offered Oculus Go headsets that will teleport them from say the Jetzt! exhibition in Bonn to other works by young artists at the concurrent Jetzt! exhibitions in Wiesbaden and Chemnitz.

Amazingly, you will be able to walk around the galleries of museums in cities hundreds of kilometers away, viewing the works in their collection, making the Jetzt!´ exhibition span Germany and yet be in one place. The sensation of actually standing in front of works in a remote location is further enhanced by projections of details about the artist and their painting.

White Room

VR: Bringing It All Together

The synergy between the centuries-old medium of painting and cutting edge VR demonstrates the old working with the new, whilst the Jetzt! exhibition also shows how fresh and challenging paintings being created today in Germany can be.

The use of VR is a great way to supplement projects such as Jetzt!, offering an exciting experience that breathes new life into the mundane act of visiting a museum. Furthermore, it merges together related events into one, when to physically house all these objects in one place might be logistically too difficult to achieve. The art-hungry visitor is also relieved of having to actually travel to far-off locations to get the wider picture that exhibitions like Jetzt! is trying to convey.

Only with VR can you create a unified space where visitors can explore distant exhibitions in one place without straying too far from the museum café and meanwhile cutting down on shoe-leather.

Find out more about using VR and VRdirect for your events here.


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Virtual Reality is going to revolutionize the event industry. That’s why we have created a compelling white paper, containing everything you need to stay ahead of you competition. The time to get into VR is now, get your free copy now!

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The VRdirect platform is the easiest solution to create and publish Virtual Reality projects. There are no expert skills needed. Moreover, Virtual Reality projects created with VRdirect can be published instantly via any VR enabled device, smartphone or web-browser and you can update them easily and in real-time.

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